quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Heavenly Gates (incompleto)

Take my hand and watch how this world is coming to an end.
March around the waters and hear them scream
All of them stuck in a mischievous cage,
Full of their earthly bones and skin.
While walking to the light I have no mortal face
And all will accure before you wil be gone.
Our mighty suns that rule us
All above our eyes,
They make us raise all of our frail shamefull arms
Telling stories of painfull death and horrible untrust,
Talk to us until we all just drop dead
Trhough a carbon spiders web.

We're all just starblind.
We're the ones who left us behind in a solar system of untrust
We forget, in the midle of cosmic sand, our uncouraged might.
We can kill all those gods tonight.
Shall we let them turn us into rust?
Shall we turn out all these mighty suns?
Shall we find ourselves our gold?
Shall we find all the stories to unfold?
Should we try to understand an stop believing
We'll feel this horrible pain again
We'll remind the reaching of our decay, especting it very soon.
All we need to think is
Shall we choose a life to live
Or one that's left to lose?

Raise your arms aigainst all the mighty suns
Fight together all of our total unstrust
Maybe we'll be gone before
W end all these disgusting wars.

Might we lend our trust
Might we kill our bloody chance
Might we turn our fous in a hideous bloody pulp of rust
Might we defende ourselves from your citizens of death.

Live along those who fought for your wonderful  chance
To live a life without all the mischiveous dead.
If you start to defender your Christ
Everything in you is gone
You will clearly be condamned in spite to just die alone
All you is to not feel that horrible pain again
You've lost your choice of a life to live
Or one that's left to lose.

(Inspirado na canção "Starblind", do album Final Frontier da banda Iron Maiden. Alguns excertos da canção foram usados e adaptados para reforçar a ideia do poema e também para prestar uma pequena homenagem à banda.)

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